Friday, July 23, 2010

The Clock is Ticking....

Sending off those bound to MCODS last Wednesday made me realise that I have only a short time left in Malaysia. There is still 11 more days to my departure and I've completed about 90% of my packing already. Am I excited about leaving to India? You bet I am!

Seeing alot of my classmates already overseas and having completed at least the 1st year med school( some almost completing 2nd year already), the urge to continue studying has never been greater. The frustration of having wasted almost 8 months will no doubt add to my burning desire to start studying something I've always wanted to learn since I was in primary school.

Shawn's family with my parents

All the best Shawn! Maybe one day when I visit Manipal, we can play futsal again..with Selvan :)
Good luck to all of you~! =)

After reading alot about India on the internet and getting so much input about Mysore from my ever-helpful seniors, I am also mentally prepared to go there. I'll be going there with low expectations (so that I won't be disappointed) and anything that exceeds my expectations will be a bonus.

(Just in case any of you juniors stumble upon my blog in the future...)

There are so many things to do before leaving. I had to make sure I was vaccinated with Hep A and B , typhoid and I also took the H1N1 jab (doctor's advice). There are also so many little things that you have to buy before going to India so save up! The first 3 months in India will be tight as we will have to pay for so many different things ie accommodation, books etc. There will be alot of hidden costs as well so do save your money during your A Levels.

Packing is quite a headache. For those who do not have connecting flights from Bangalore Airport , I suggest you apply for the MAS Grads card from KL sentral. It enables you to carry 10 extra kgs. Those who don't have the card also shouldn't worry so much because MAS is very lenient with students. I know some people who got through with 29kgs!

My parents bought this 'Vacuum compressed bag' from Cosway which enables you to compress your clothes. It saves alot of space but of cause the weight remains the same.
I'll show you some pictures...

My clothes that have yet to be compressed



So yeah, you can save about 50% of space by this method.

Alright then, off to rearrange my things. I'll write more when I'm in India. I have to see the place for myself :)

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