Perhaps Standard 5 was my finest year in terms of sporting achievement. I won loads of medals from athletics and other games such as hand ball and football. All these without training as well. I love to play for the fun of it and really loved the competitive nature of these sports especially football.
In secondary school, I did not do as well in high levels like the district and state levels but I still enjoyed every moment of it. Still, i did not have any proper training at that time. I honestly believe that I could have reached greater heights by training hard but I felt that studies were more important. So it was basically for leisure .
In college, I probably trained on my fitness more then ever so I did rather well in competitions there. However, at the end of last year, I kept feeling some pain in my knees. I'd would either be the right or left one. I doubt anyone actually believed I was injured mainly because I kept on playing. (stubborn..I know) I played even more games during the holidays between A2 and KI. Badminton, squash, futsal and jogging almost everyday. That perhaps was to much for my knees. I even competed during Feskott with an injured knee but I guess the desire to compete was too great to I continued running anyway.
I fell awkwardly during a competitive futsal match in college and bruised my left knee badly. Thats when I thought to myself that I should stop playing too many games. At least stop playing in competitions as they normally cause injuries. Of cause its difficult to just stop playing like that but I believe I should do so as I wouldn't wanna end up in a wheelchair in the future.
Declaration : I hereby declare that I will retire from all competitive sports.
( I will still play for fun, but no more competitions for me)
This blog post is actually for me to remind myself of this promise.

My small medal collection. Of cause its nothing compared to those that have participated at higher levels (national etc)

(haha..I hope you see this picture, Syafiq)
When we r in love with sth,the hardest thing for us is to say goodbye..
Though it's time for you to say goodbye to the life as a sportman,to retire fr all the competitive sports,but we'll still remember that once upon a time,there was a great athlete,
called KESHAN
=) many trophies and medals!!!!!!!!!
awww :(
haha! yeah..definitely hard to stop..but its for the a good cause.:)
time to concentrate fully on sumthing else dat i love..:) medicine!
(i'll definitely need sum sports during the exam period when stress levels soar)
Whoops.. I think I might have pushed your injured knee a bit too much by making you jog with me every evening.. apologies..
i don't think the jogging did any damage..its more like futsal..
wahh...great memories ya! Btw, sport is part of my life. I can't live without sports. and, maybe one day, i will come to the same point as yours (retire from sports event) bcoz of future and life. huhu.
but mine is still far away in front. i'll blog when I am on that point.
But, i believe, you wont forget every moment u spent ur time, energy and sacrifice a lot of thing for sports. and, it ended up with medals! yeah!
Great flashback!
haha..maegy..i knew u'd appreciate this post in a way..
lol...yeap.. every medal matter how ugly and cheap looking has its own story to tell..:)
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