First just a little on last night's matches. Germany beat England 4-1! Well, some might say they were lucky because Lampards goal was disallowed but Germany were the better team and England simply couldn't gel well as a team. Brilliant individuals but as a team, they're poor.
Argentina too went through to the next round and will meet Germany after beating Mexico 3-1. Again, the referee was under the spotlight for allowing Tevez's first goal to stand.
Anyway, straight to those comments on facebook and twitter.
I've classified them into various categories.
First of all, those England fans. Kindda felt sad for them but Oh well, thats football.:)
# haiz...*sobs*time to change profile picture lor... =( try harder next time England
#and the match is decided.Nice attack england, but WTH with ur defence? =.= 2 successful counters in 5 mins, u'r better than this.Germany played better.
This next guy was mixing it with some extra history#OMG~!!! feels like the german ghost of the 1966 world cup is back to haunt ENG~!!! DAMN~!!!!
Others were calling out for the use of video technology
#What?? NO GOAL? Its clearly time for football to use technology in refereeing! Cmon England!
while others just vented out their frustration in a short and sweet sentence
The creative one
..and then there are those who just could not hide their anger( forgive me for the foul language-just copying it)
# the ref is an idiot.clearly the ball had crossed the line. You're a ****ing disgrace
# ****ed up ref! **** and die man..clearly a goal sial
some even went as far as to hit out at those Nazi's. Gosh
followed by this extremely angry fan who probably might not watch the FIFA World Cup now that England is out.
# wat an end...****d up FIFA, ****d UP REF,****d up ENGLAND....
Well, those who supported Germany were probably grinning from ear to ear having also won their bets with friends.
#sexy game Germany (perhaps a new way to describe football, creative indeed!)
#nice one Germany!!!!
#ENGLAND just got PWNED~!! :D
#Lauk England malam ni ( this guy was probably too hungry after the game)
# *smiling mockingly*
# UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Germany 4...England 1!!!!!!!!!!! OoooRAAHHHH
and then of cause there are those who are too observant and watch football for other reasons.
# Just realised dat German footballers are HOT! Go Germany!!
# England Manager looks cute with his various facial expressions. (must be a Capello fan)
# Lampard might cry tonight
There are also people who love to ponder on everything that happens
# was thinking to myself a minute ago, ''why bah ppl like England?''
Those diplomatic and fair people
#wow..every1 in turmoil now..chillax all =.=
#poor England..justice for '66?
#Nice game played by the Germans.You've shown ur potential. Lampard, you played well too! (this person even had words of consolation for Lamps)
The Steven Gerrard fan
# a night of what ifs :(:(:( yet Germany was the better team they deserved it. Still proud of you Gerrard!
The David Beckham fan
# Without Beckham, England is nothing. (LOL at this statement, total crap)
Finally, those who are far sighted enough and are perhaps already looking forward to the new EPL season.
#Fergie!! Pls snap up Ozil~!! :):)
All such interesting comments to read everytime a match ends in South Africa. To my surprise, many people who I never thought watch football also chipped in with a comment or two. I guess the FIFA World Cup really is the biggest and most largely viewed tournament on this planet.
Looking forward to tonight's games where I hope Brazil will be knocked out by Chile and it is almost certain that Holland will beat Slovakia.
Here's a picture for all YOU ENGLAND supporters out there. This was why the goal was not given! HAHA!

nice writing..
and the comments look very funny too when i read it all..
so much of expectation..
so much of anticipation..
so much dramatic games..
and these all meant Football to us..
haha.thanx man:)
its just for fun only la:)
waa..i never knew u had a gonna check it out :)
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