Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Mysore Family

After knowing our placements here in India, the only guy I knew rather well was Cheng. Mei Yee and Loga were my classmates in KTT but we weren't that close. I knew Wan just a little from football. Asida, always saw her playing badminton in the evenings but hardly ever talked to her. Shafiee, I barely knew he even existed. Aisyah on the other hand was a total new discovery all together during KI. All my really close friends were scattered all over Karnataka and some even in Karad. Obviously I was quite sad with the placement of everyone. I'm pretty sure the rest of my friends here in Mysore felt the same.

However, after more then half a year staying together here in Mysore, I can't help but feel that we're one big(actually its small) happy family.

The numerous meals, functions, birthday parties have made us to somewhat bond with each other. Im really grateful with what I have here in Mysore. We are close with our seniors too which is good. Maybe its because we are just a small community of Malaysians in a foreign land thus making us bond easily.

Recently, Kesha got sick and was admitted to hospital. It was beautiful to see all of us together in that small room with her. We're all in this together. Liverpool's awesome motto, 'You'll Never Walk Alone' often rings in my head at times like this. Anyway, I'll leave you with some photos before I continue nerding :)