I've decided to just blog about the people whom I have stayed and bonded with over the last couple of months.
I shall start with my roomie. I really thank God that I had such a great person as my roommate in KTT
A fantastic guitar player and supports Manchester United ( unfortunately...but it made it more fun anyway). We decided on becoming roommates after meeting online and at the MIED Award Ceremony He's been really awesome throughout the 1.5 years and I doubt I'll get anyone like him in India =)

Up next is my housemate,classmate and one of my best friends in KTT. When Selvan came in with a shirt and jeans( what a 1st impression that was..haha) both Shawn and me were like who's this guy? We ended up being really close. Another crazy Man U fan( i'm outnumbered in my own apartment!!). Loves to play games. My badminton partner and kick about partner.
He's the Physics expert in out house and I think I spent more time with him then anyone else in KTT.haha...he's probably well known for disturbing girls...especially Man See;)

And then there is Dhana. A fantastic leader. He's one of those guys that you can say is born to be a leader. Well loved by alot of the juniors. A relatively new Liverpool fan =) and he's really good with project too. Dhana's probably one of the most popular guys and well known by all the lecturers.Oh! and how can I ever forget this... he's an amazing cook! I hope to come back during KI being able to cook like him.

Chai Siew Yap is definitely the strongest person in KTT. An extremely positive guy and has been an inspiration to every student in KTT as he is fighting cancer. May God bless him and that he recovers completely from it. A fantastic badminton player. Chai entered KTT being really really nerdy. He hardly came out of his apartment and at that time, he worshipped a senior called Ken. Chinese New Year changed things when he came back with a new hairstyle and came out from his shell and started becoming the outgoing person like he was in school. He's my neighbour in KTT and a frequent visitor to our apartment. I can vividly remember him knocking the door everynight and entering our apartment with his laptop.

The following guy is a great sportsman and a wonderful friend.Beh Jun Hua is a fantastic basketball and table tennis player. A good runner and we use to race sooooo many times.lol...u owe me dinner!! jkjk
He is a guy with a mind of his own and has his own way of doing things. I'm really going to miss him and all the ' heart to heart conversations' we had :)
Keep on running beh!!
He is a guy with a mind of his own and has his own way of doing things. I'm really going to miss him and all the ' heart to heart conversations' we had :)
Keep on running beh!!

These two are also my opposite neighbours. Both of them are great in sports too. Eric played football for Johor while Kelvin played tennis and table tennis for Sarawak. Both of them are my regular football mates and it has been great fun knowing them.

haha...i stole your facebook picture
One of the nicest guys in KTT. Trully a great friend and he has helped us alot from helping us buy stuff from giant to sharing exam tips. I've never heard anyone laugh as loud and as crazy as this guy, it is really unique. A very kind guy and he is KTT's movie database. He rarely came out during A2 and his favourite food in KTT is probably maggi and instant porridge (I know that you are absolutely sick and tired of eating those two things already)

The next guy is really one of a kind. I'll probably never meet anyone like Daniel Chong anywhere else in the world. Really smart guy and very sociable.I think he could just go and sit at any table and make friends. He's lovingly remembered as Beautiful Boy from Orientation Week and he's the CF vice President. The picture of him after this sums him up. One of the members of my 'dinner group' and ardent supporter of Aunty Saba's food. I'm gonna miss those messages before lunch man~! :(

....and then there's Choong and Cheng. Staying really close to Pak Cik Parang. If there's anything you want to know about PCP, its best you ask them because they see him everyday. Choong's the super computer genius and he is the one who he look for if there's any problem with our laptops and games.
Cheng's a nice guy and another guy who loves sports. He's the only person I know from Kota Belud and is a great tennis player. He is also obsessed with Shawn's XPS
Cheng's a nice guy and another guy who loves sports. He's the only person I know from Kota Belud and is a great tennis player. He is also obsessed with Shawn's XPS
Introducing One of The Geniuses of our batch. ZEFF!! He is a really soft spoken and humble guy. I hardly heard him laugh or talk for almost one year. All that changed thanks to Daniel and Queenie. He has that coolness and calmness when he speaks. I really love it when he just has to utter 1 word...yup...just 1 word and its enough to make Daniel and Queenie dumbfounded.Pure brilliance. I'm sure he has read more books and watched more movies then anyone else in KTT.

Now all the friends I made during CF. I think all of the CF members were really close and bonded well espeacially after the various activities held.
Lim Sue Ting (AKA SUSU)

I like her alot because she chose the rite path in supporting Liverpool. She's another person realy dedicated to CF and one of the few people smart enough to support Liverpool in KTT. I think supporting Liverpool actually builds one's character because or the torments we constantly receive from all those Man U fans. She's a great captainball player too and someone I definitely like to have on my team every Tuesdays.=)

Semangat Liverpool during Christmas Party (CF)
*Lynthia Wong*
*Lynthia Wong*
The first thing that comes to my mind when Lynthia's name is mentioned is tennis! haha..She's a trained tennis player from Miri so don't mess with her. When it comes to watching tennis, I don't mind sitting next to year when Federer's playing because she's Federer's Number 1 fan in KTT and her expressions during the match is amazing. I want to play with her at least one time during KI( after practising with Kelvin and Cheng). She's really a bubbly and super friendly person and I'm going to miss that during the holidays.

She's definitely one of my classmate's that I speak to the most. At one glance, one would'nt think that this petite girl from Klang watches football at all. It turns out that she's another crazy Man Utd supporter but I like the way she makes sense when saying anything about Liverpool.A very fair person and is good in English..LOL

Next is a girl that can say beautiful prayers. Hui Fen~! She definitely had the most memorable birthday party in KTT. All the flour and water...I shall never forget that day. Hui Fen is one of the nicest people I know in KTT. She's not fondly called mummy by all the girls for nothing.

The next two people are really talented in music. Sharon and Felicia have performed many times during certain events in KTT . The performance during the Graduation Dinner was really amazing because it felt as if they were professionals.Reminded me of the times when my family went on vacation and relaxed at the hotel lobby.Sharon used to be a captainball fanatic but transformed completely during A2. Felicia on the other hand is famous for her warming up before jogging.I bet she's the only one that does proper exercise.=)

They all look elegant:)
One of my first friends in KTT. I think I met her on recom before coming to KTT. Shawn's Soulmate=)

*My Wildboar--> Liying*
Here's a person that I met on facebook after 3 MONTHS studying in KTT. If I can remember, it was perhaps during the water crisis in Sepang. She's an extremely smart student and can be very crazy at times.A good runner and was the Olahragawati for Feskott in KTT.She's also one of my close friends in KTT and I want to thank her for being a great friend.

@ Man SEE @
This person is the most SS girl I've ever met. hahaha. She's great fun and Selvan and me used to disturb her alot! The great thing about her is that she never gets angry at all and don't be fooled by her size, she's like a chili padi. I see her jogging almost everyday and she has got to be the most consistent people around the field.

and last but not least......

and last but not least......

My beloved jogging partner!!!!.She's the most athletic girl I've ever met in my short life and it was really fun to jog with her. A great company and I used to study with her for some time. She gets really scary during the exam period but most of the time, she's super nice.LOL. I'll always remember the time when I was in hospital, she was amazing=) I'm really going to miss her company though especially during the evenings..and HEY...YOU STILL NEED TO TEACH ME ONE THING!! SQUASH~!!
Superb post...haha
U gonna miss all those things..
lol..yea..im not gonna miss KTT...
i'm gonna miss the ppl there
Can't wait for KI hahahahaha
I really like ur theory abt being a Liverpool fan builds up character! That makes so much sense! Haha.... you'll never walk alone!=)
haha..yea joanna..its true..lol..i'd be really weak if i supported Man Utd..hahaha
I'm so not scary during exam time.. hahahahah... seriously.. =) n I'm the last one on the list~?!! *BOINK*
whoa~~ i miss u guys so much!! hahahaha~ yea can't wait for KI lol
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