Sunday, January 3, 2010

Top 10 things that Annoy The Crap Out of me !

So here's my top 10~!

10. People that just talk too much. blablablabla. Most people that talk alot don't seem to realise that they're irritating the people around them. They seem oblivious to their surroundings and the body language of the people within close vicinity.

9. LIARS~!! I normally can sense if a person is lying. These people seem to live in a World of Fantasy and I believe they lie because they feel insecure. I also like to call them ATTENTION SEEKERS! (I actually mean those people that like to talk big about what they do not have, showing off something that doesn't even exist in the first place)

8.'Monkeys' that smoke in public places especially restaurant sidewalks. I'll probably never understand why people smoke but that is not the point. The thing that pisses me off the most is that these idiots are 'killing innocent lives' with every single puff. The smoke smell may also trigger headaches among non-smokers.

7.People who don't keep their promises. Heck! These people should be hanged. I've met a couple of human beings like this and I'm sure they annoy others as well with their inconsiderate behaviour.

6.Pigeons. I've never liked pigeons. Their droppings are just disgusting and people should stop feeding them. Pigeon droppings have been scientifically proven to cause cancer too. (this is why I hate Section 14, PJ.. apart from the constant traffic jam there)

5. Manchester United supporters THAT ARE COCKY~!

4. Slow Internet Speed. HAHA... I was probably spoiled after visiting Singapore.

3.People for act ignorant. I really cannot stand people like this. It is a way of getting way with things. They often know perfectly well what is going on in their surroundings but choose to pretend and act stupid. That way, you can't blame them for anything.I know many people like this :(

2.Mat Rempits. I'm from Shah Alam, so I've seen enough of them to HATE them.


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